Homeopathy rekindled my creativity!

Homeopathy and art are closely intertwined for me personally. The one informs the other as they weave the fabric of my life ever forward in remarkably unexpected ways. It therefore intrigued me to discover that the founder of homeopathy Samuel Hahnemann clearly encouraged the creative process.  

Hahnemann maintained the importance of carefully and accurately observing the symptoms of disease. He stated that this capacity is not innate and must therefore be acquired and refined by practice. To this end, Hahnemann recommended three things that can enhance and sharpen our faculties of observation; a familiarity with the best of the Greek and Roman classics, a knowledge of mathematics and drawing.  

"The art of drawing from nature is also useful, as it sharpens and practices our eye, and thereby also our other senses, teaching us to form a true conception of objects, and to represent what we observe, truly and purely, without any addition from the fancy.”

— Samuel Hahnemann, The Medical Observer

After taking a particular remedy my creativity, that I had put to sleep in my teens, reemerged full force almost overnight. I was launched into the world of colour. Entranced, I entered this magical world with eyes wide open in awe, and came out with a big smile on my face. Since then, art has taken centre stage in my life.


What is homeopathy and how does it work?


How can this gentle medicinal system bring about such profound change in a person’s life?

Homeopathy is a holistic system of healing based upon the principle of Similars. It addresses the dynamic disharmony that gives rise to the symptoms of disease. Rather than treating each symptom in isolation, the homeopath considers the person as a whole and seeks to match the unique totality of the symptom picture observed with a homeopathic remedy. By stimulating the body’s self-regulating process, the carefully selected remedy initiates the healing response, helping the body to heal itself.

Similia Similbus Curentur ‘like cures like’

The word homeopathy is derived from the Greek, homœo ‘similar’, and pathos ‘suffering’.

Homeopathy was developed by the German physician, Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). After years of painstaking research and practice, Hahnemann confirmed the principle of cure through Similars. He realised that any substance that can bring about disease in a healthy person may be used to cure a sick person with a similar illness. While Hahnemann developed and refined the principles of homeopathy as we know them today, the healing principle of ‘like cures like’ goes back thousands of years to Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicine.


A little about me…


My journey into alternative medicine began early on thanks to my aunt, who introduced me to homeopathy as a child. I was later inspired to study acupuncture by my Chinese fencing coach, who comes from a line of traditional oriental medicine doctors. However, it wasn't meant to be. I ended up reading History & Politics at SOAS, University of London instead. Years later, my interest in the healing arts was rekindled. I began my homeopathic foundation studies with the School of Health then went onto study with the renowned homeopath Rajan Sankaran. Finally, I graduated from The Dynamis School for Advanced Homoeopathic Studies. Since then I have also studied with Dr. Will Taylor MD, another very inspiring teacher. I am a member of the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths (ARH) and abide by the ARH Code of Ethics and Practice.  

Homeopathy and Art - A little bit about Sara Kabariti, artist and registered homeopath..jpg

Homeopathic Provings


A homeopathic remedy is tested by means of what Hahnemann referred to in German as a prüfung - defined as an experiment or test to determine the medicinal potential of a substance.

A prüfung is commonly called a proving amongst the homeopathic community today. The volunteers who agree to undergo the testing of a new remedy are known as provers. They assess the latent curative capacity of a medicine by taking it in potentised form themselves, until they start to produce symptoms. All the symptoms of the proving group are thoroughly documented. The information gathered is then synthesised to form a 'disease picture' of the remedy. In this way, provings make known to us the curative and healing properties of a great variety of natural substances that can then be added to the homeopathic pharmacy. 

To date, I have participated in two provings. The experience was remarkable. A homeopathic proving takes you on an inner journey, where you come to understand the essence of the natural substance under investigation.

The Homeopathic Proving of Zamzam is one I conducted and authored myself. All proceeds go towards charity.



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