Dear Creative Soul,

Thank you for requesting an interest to work with me. I am truly honoured.

I only take on a handful of clients every year to ensure you receive the best support and guidance you deserve. These questions are intended to help you reflect on where you are now in terms of your wellness goals, focus, direction, where you want to go and what will help you achieve your big dream. The application process alone will be illuminating. Please be specific and give as much detail as possible with your answers. They will help me get to know you better and understand your specific needs. They will also ensure that you get the most out of our time together. The sooner you send your application in the sooner we can begin on this transformational journey together. I so looking forward to support you down this path!

I will personally review your application and get back to you within 2 business days. If your application is approved, you will receive information on how to schedule your sessions. If however, after reviewing application it doesn’t seem like the Align Sessions will best meet your needs at this stage, you will be informed within 2 business days. We can explore what package might suit you better to ensure you get the guidance you deserve.

If you are a returning client, there’s no need to fill out the application. Instead, please email me at


Questions for Homeopathy Exploration

(For clients applying for the Unravel Your Calling or Creative Transformation Packages)